WooCommerce is an open-source e-commerce platform designed to provide merchants with the tools they need to sell products online effectively. Integrating Beans with WooCommerce enhances this experience by enabling merchants to boost customer loyalty through a rewards system. With Beans for WooCommerce, you can reward customers for their purchases, encouraging repeat business and fostering a loyal customer base.


To begin, install the Beans plugin for WooCommerce from the WordPress plugin repository. Follow the WordPress guideline for plugin installation. After installation, activate the plugin and connect Beans to your shop using the setup instructions.

To manually connect Beans to your WooCommerce store, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the plugins management page in your WordPress admin.
  2. Find Beans and select settings.
  3. On the Beans admin page within WordPress, follow the prompts and click Connect.
  4. Select your Beans account or create a new one. If you already have one, log in.
  5. Once on the connect page, choose Connect manually.
  6. Provide WooCommerce API keys as instructed.
  7. In WordPress admin, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API.
  8. Select Add key to create a new key for Beans.
  9. Fill out the form: name the key, choose the primary admin as the user, and set permissions to Read/Write.
  10. Generate and copy the API Key.
  11. Paste the keys into the Beans interface form field.
  12. Click Connect to complete the process.


If you suspect the Beans plugin isn’t properly installed on your WordPress site, Beans provides a straightforward solution to address this without any negative side effects.

  1. From the Beans admin dashboard, navigate to the WooCommerce integration home page.
  2. Select Status in the integration navigation menu.
  3. From the Actions dropdown on the top right, select Reinstall Beans.

Rewards page

The Beans plugin for WooCommerce automatically adds a rewards page to your shop. By default, you can access the page at http://myshop.com/rewards-program, assuming your website’s full URL is https://myshop.com.

To display the rewards program page, Beans uses the shortcode [beans_page]. This makes it very easy to edit the page if necessary.

It is recommended to add the link to your rewards program in the main menu to make it easy for your customers to access. Here is how to do it: How to Add Navigation Menu in WordPress


Many WordPress websites use caching to improve performance for visitors. While caching can enhance website speed and traffic, it can be difficult to debug, especially for dynamic websites.

In most cases, it is recommended not to cache dynamic pages because cached versions may become outdated or inaccurate. There are two types of pages on a website: static and dynamic. A static page has unchanging content, whereas dynamic pages frequently update and are not suitable for caching.

We recommend excluding the rewards program page and the referral program page from your caching system because they are dynamic and do not display the same content for each customer.

WP Rocket

Follow these step-by-step instructions to configure exclusions with WP Rocket:

  1. Navigate to the File Optimization section in WP Rocket.

  2. Uncheck all checkboxes in the JavaScript Files section and save your changes.

  3. Go to the Advanced Rules option and add the following lines to the Never Cache URLs section:

  4. Save your settings.

  5. Clear your cache and visit the program pages in your store.